Some years ago I was on a short holiday in the English countryside. Strolling down a narrow road (no pavement, barely wide enough for two cars to pass) I met a large flock of sheep being herded along the road towards me.
When about twenty yards from me, the leading sheep saw me and stopped dead with a frightened expression. All the other sheep promptly stopped too.
The shepherd and his dogs were at the back and couldn't get through the solid block of frozen wool - soon the road was blocked by about a hundred sheep, two dogs, the shepherd , a tractor, several cars and a van - with me standing in front of the lot !
I tried encouraging noises - no use.. Finally the shepherd shouted "grab the bugger at the front and pull ! " .
I grabbed the wool on the leading sheep's head and pulled - they're heavy animals and stubborn, but so am I. Eventually it had no choice but to move - whereupon the whole carnival started moving, leaving me by the roadside looking guilty - but I hadn't done anything ! (Alright, maybe I did whisper "mint sauce").